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/ 寵物繪畫工作坊中小貓小狗穿上華美的歐式裝扮,搖身一變,成為中世紀的貴族。這種反差感, 愛動物的你又怎能抵抗呢~


/ 照著石膏板上充滿細節的雕刻紋路, 自由發揮創意, 按個人喜好塗上色彩,簡單完成一幅古典精緻的畫作擺設。




⁂ 課 程 資 訊 ⁂

⇸ 工作坊長度|3小時

⇸ 地點|白繣工作室

⇸ 成品| 歐式動物浮雕畫x1 (尺寸:約18x22cm)

⇸ 款式| 3選1 (貴族貓咪/紳士貓咪/魔法小狗)

⇸ 課程費用|已包含材料費、顏料及畫具使用費、茶水;加時每30分鐘+$60(未滿30分鐘皆以30分鐘計算); 二人共同繪畫一幅作品+$150

⁂ 工 作 坊 報 名 方 式 ⁂

⇸ 請到網頁填寫預約表單自助預約

⇸ 歡迎直接ig inbox或WhatsApp 6383 4531查詢詳情

⇸ 預約前請確保已閱讀預約頁面的條款與細則


··· ⌂ 白 繣 工 作 室 ⌂ ···

🛖 @bara.atelier 

📩 𝟲𝟯𝟴𝟯 𝟰𝟱𝟯𝟭(𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘀𝗔𝗽𝗽)

💻 𝙝𝙩𝙩𝙥://𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙖-𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙧.𝙘𝙤𝙢/



  • - 條款及細則 -

    ​⇰ 工作坊最低消費HK$300每位

    ​ ⇰ 需要先支付總額之50%作留位費,款項確認收妥後才再確認預約

    ⇰ 報名工作坊一經確認後不設退款





    ⇰ 參加者可以於以下表單填寫所選的課程、期望之上課日期及時間,我們收到表單後會於兩個工作天內以Whatsapps聯繫確認,並發送付款方式



    ⇰親子共同參與請在選項填選,共同製作一份每位小朋友加$100 (限8歲或以下之小朋友)  






    - Terms and Conditions -

    ⇰All workshops are offered for private appointment, limited to 4 persons. ⇰The materials required for each workshop are limited in stock, please try to make an appointment 5-7 days in advance for reserve ⇰The material provided will be determined according to the stock of the day. If you have special choices or requirements, please inquire before confirming the appointment ⇰Please arrive on time. If participants are late for more than 30 minutes, the appointment will be canceled without refund. If you have special circumstances, please contact us for inquiries. ⇰If you are absent due to personal reasons, we will not arrange make-up classes. ⇰No refund will be provided once the workshop is confirmed. ⇰Once the workshop is confirmed, we will not notify the participants before the class, please pay attention to the date and time of the class. ⇰ Participants can fill in the selected course, expected date and time of class in the following form, we will confirm you through Whatsapps within two working days after receiving your registration ⇰ Before registering, please check the updated studio opening date on our store's intagram (bara.atelier) ⇰Note: Submitting the form does not mean confirming the class date and time ⇰The studio will provide some reference pictures and guidances to make it easier for customers to complete the work ⇰All workshop fees include tools and basic materials ⇰The studio has a washroom.​ ⇰Typhoon No. 1, No. 3 or Red Rainstorm Signal, studio will be open as usual. For Black Rainstorm Signal or Typhoon No. 8, please contact us to reschedule. ⇰Bara Atelier has the right to change the content of each workshop. ⇰In case of any dispute, Bara Atelier reserves the right of final decision.

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